How to match kitchen design and home interior?

How to match kitchen design and home interior? Tips & Tricks

Designing a kitchen is a particularly exciting process, because you get to choose what you want and give your home a new lease of life! The kitchen is typically a completely separate part of the interior, where other moods are more likely to prevail. For example, if the rest of the house is particularly light, the kitchen can be in darker shades, or vice versa. So how exactly do you combine the kitchen to create a unified mood, but also maintain the interior contrast?

1. Match the shade of the kitchen facades to the interior of the home.

It’s all in the details, so kitchen surfaces can be in different shades to the rest of the interior to maintain contrast. In such cases, it is possible to match the rest of the house with the kitchen if the kitchen surfaces are in the same colours as, for example, the walls of the rest of the interior. This keeps the transition smooth and the kitchen will not seem completely redundant.

Picture of a white kitchen from the article - How to match kitchen design and home interior?

2. Coordination of technical or other elements.

If you want to bring a particularly strong contrast into your home, but also need a unifying element, this could be kitchen appliances, elements such as handles or various wooden elements. If wooden furniture dominates the home, then solid wood open shelving or solid wood worktops in the kitchen would be a great common denominator.

White Kitchen furniture with island

3. Coordination is not always necessary. Contrast complements!

Although most kitchen design is coordinated with the rest of the interior, this is not always necessary. Each kitchen is unique and a direct reflection of the client’s wishes. If you want to create something out of the ordinary and make the kitchen stand out, you can do without. A thing of taste!

Black kitchen with wall panel

How to match kitchen design and home interiors – summary

Harmony and creating a pleasant atmosphere in the home is a priority, so tastefully designed interiors are at the heart of any modern home and the kitchen plays a big part in making a home feel welcoming and modern. The choice is yours. This unified feeling can be created by matching kitchen fronts, surfaces and other elements. Take your own action to create the kitchen of your dreams!

Wooden table top with Kitchen Accessories

If you’re also interested in starting your own kitchen project, but aren’t quite sure where to start, our designers will help you with every detail and answer all your questions! For a 3D visualisation of your kitchen design and a free first consultation, sign up here!

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